Strand Theatre - Shelbyville

Strand Theatre - Shelbyville

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Phone Hours:
Mon - Fri 8:00am - 5pm EST
317-395-3318 - Call or Text


Facebook: The Strand Theatre

The Strand Theatre
215 South Harrison Street
Shelbyville, IN 46176

Kenny James as Buddy Holly with Barney Fife

Kenny James as Buddy Holly with Barney Fife
KENNY JAMES & RAVE ON performances include all the expected HOLLY hits, along with some deeper cuts from Holly's incredible catalog.

General admission $25 - First come, first served seating. We cannot guarantee groups will be able to sit together.

Premium seating $35 - Reserved seating in rows 2-5 on the first floor. Seats will have the name of the person who purchases the tickets on each seat. Groups are guaranteed to sit together.

Tickets will be available the day of the event at the door in addition to being available online and at Shelbyville Paint.
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